The Winning Formula: Factors That Make or Break Event Destination Choices

Event organizers take several factors into consideration when selecting the destination to host their event.  Among them are facilities, hotel room availability, dining options, and weather.  But those aren’t the only factors.  Here’s what our clients tell us they are thinking about when deciding on a location:

1. The Facility
A convention venue’s availability and its square footage are among the top factors in a clients destination choice. As we move past the COVID era, demand for space continues to increase and destinations are booking business further and further out. For this reason, finding a location that has the right size convention venue and making sure it is available for all dates is a critical step in selecting a destination.

2. Accommodations
At onPeak, we are all about heads in beds, so why not make this number 1?  But seriously, clients need to make sure the host destination has enough hotel rooms to accommodate their attendees and exhibitors. Clients are also sensitive to budgets so it’s important to be able to offer a variety of options and price points.

3. Increased Attendance
Sometimes clients want a destination that will be a hit with their attendees and exhibitors – a warm, sunny destination in the middle of winter, for example.  Locations that are most attractive to the event’s demographics can sometimes be a motivating factor.

4. Airlift Factor
Flight capacity in a particular destination could have an impact on drawing meetings and conventions to that city.  While perhaps not the primary driver, airlift certainly comes into play for an event with a large international attendance.  Direct flights or convenient flight connections can have a big impact.

5. Location & Getting Around
Location matters.  Some events stay in the same location each year while others rotate through various geographic regions.  For example, West Coast one-year and East Coast the next.  Once attendees arrive in the host city, how easy is it to get around?  Are there ample taxi or ride-share services?  How about public transportation?  Will shuttles be needed? These are all things to consider.

6. Weather
Midwest in winter?  Southwest in summer?  Weather certainly matters and can impact the ability of attendees to fly in and easily move about and enjoy the city.

7. Dining & Entertainment
Dining and entertainment options can influence the attendee experience.  Maybe an important exhibitor is hosting a team dinner or entertaining a VIP customer.  Having options that match varied needs and interests can be very important.

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