Name: Leshawn Rue
Department: Account Services
Birthday: December 19th (Sag!!!)
What’s your top 3 memorable onPeak moments/successes?
- Getting unhappy clients and turning them around
- Consolidating 3 positions into 1
- Atlanta Summer and Holiday parties!!!
What aspects of onPeak motivate you?
- The People!!
- Constant change. I hate being stagnant so the fact every event brings its own complexities and the everyday challenges excite me
What advice would you give to someone wanting to advance in within onPeak?
Own up to your mistakes, always look for places where you can make yourself better and never fear saying you don’t know or understand something. Growth/advancement starts within and then shines on the outside. Someone is always watching so they’ll see you.
Name 3 famous people you would invite to a dinner party (no exclusions)
- Tupac
- Michelle Obama
- Daenerys Targaryen or Arya Stark 😊
What are you currently binge watching?
Way too many things but most recent Love is Blind and Game of Thrones (for the 1000th time).
If you had a YouTube channel, what would you talk about?
LIFE! I’ve been through a lot but have never given up and welcome all the ups and downs. They’ve taught me to live life to the fullest and I intend to do just that.