Department: Marketing
Birthday: May 28th
How long have you been with onpeak?
I’ve been with onPeak for 1 year and 3 amazing months!
Describe what a typical workday looks like for you.
Working from home has been such a steadying factor in my life. It has helped me learn how to balance the things that I need to be healthy and happy. Since starting with onPeak, my typical day starts at 5:30am to work out with my friends at our favorite gym. Then I head home to feed the fur babies (4 black cats and 1 goofy pup). I am a Senior MAM to 70+ shows so the work hours are filled with different tasks to support the clients’ marketing needs. I am also concentrating on special projects in Salesforce & working on the new Client Email Menu with my coworkers. By 5pm you can catch me in the pool soaking up the Florida sunshine!
What movie would you use to describe the onPeak work culture?
Ocean’s 11 – Although we aren’t planning a large illegal money heist at onPeak, this movie showcases teamwork at its finest. To achieve their planned goal, all members of Danny Ocean’s team learned to value effective communication. The onPeak team moves like a well-oiled machine and even though we are scattered across the globe I feel connected to each one of you.
What aspects of onPeak motivate you?
I love that each of our clients and their respective shows are so unique. My work is never boring, and I am always learning something new. Also, our leadership is top tier. I feel valued and supported. It makes me want to do more and be more for onPeak.
If you had a YouTube channel, what would you talk about?
This is a loaded question because I have seriously considered creating a YouTube channel! I have a passion for Mid-Century design & architecture, but unfortunately not the budget for it. I have learned ways of achieving this look in my own home by thrifting, antiquing, garage sales, auctions, and a little DIY. I would love to share that on a YouTube channel someday but for now it just lives on my Instagram and TikTok!
*Contributed by Robin Jones